CF SA is an Argentine company, with 25 years of presence in the market, developing means of payment, aimed at Companies, Private and Public Institutions, Financial Institutions, Cooperatives, Mutuals, among others.
We have state-of-the-art technological infrastructure, put at the service of our Clients.
Our Team of Collaborators is highly trained to respond professionally to market requirements.
The Software developed and managed by CF sa strictly complies with the current provisions:
BCRA Communications // Minimum requirements for management, implementation and control of risks related to technology, information technology and information systems.
Law 25065 // Rules that regulate the various aspects related to the Credit, Purchase and Debit Card system.
The software, on which our system is based, is self-developed, complying with the BCRA's communication.
The adaptations, modifications and updates of it, are made by a team of highly specialized professionals.
All the development needs are covered, ABM of Users and Commercials, statistics of users and businesses, liquidations of users and businesses, control of operations, through reports, IVR, applications to comply with the regulatory requirements in force.
We have our own card engraving service, access to the Payments Link platform, through which the clients to whom the payment of their monthly summaries is applied are located.
It allows you to develop a product with differential benefits and characteristics, according to each one of your needs: - Purchase Cards - Credit Cards - Prepaid Cards - Social Cards - Development of Loyalty Programs
Your customers, in contact with the information of their cards at
fast and easy, always at your fingertips.
System of information, management and consultation, aimed at entities and their customers and businesses.
Application for the information load of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic.
Provide the necessary information to elaborate the requirements of B.C.R.A.
Instructional and Executable for Clothing Concerning BCRA, Transparency Regime.
Generation of market research and surveys through e mail.
Sending account summaries through e mail
Applied Technology. Commercialization. Accounting, Operational, Legal and Taxation Standards Rules. Internal procedures. Contracts Users / Shops. Commercial profitability. Budgets. Cash Flow.
Active cards are processed monthly.
Annual transactions.
Pesos are dumped into the market, through purchases made through the Cards Issued by our Issuers.
Pesos Managed Portfolio.
+ 35
Entities trust CF SA, ranging from Banks, Financial, Cooperatives, Mutual, Official Organizations, Municipalities and Non-Bank Issuers
Once your project has been defined, we provide you with our Know How, to provide you with the Integral Advice that allows the correct implementation and development of the same, covering the aspects, Commercial, Computer, Applied, Operational, Accounting, Legal and Taxing MORE services that we detail next:
Start-up guide, GIO "OPERATIONS INITIATION GUIDE" which contains:
Credit Card Law 25,065
Regulations to be considered.
Implementation Schedule.
Technical requirements.
Definition of Parameters.
Registry Designs for the Mass Load of Users and Shops.
Transactional Diagram
Requirements of Technicians and Design of cards, for its Homologation.
Introduction to Marketing and Sales Techniques.
Design and Clauses of Forms for the operation of Users and Businesses.
Design of Liquidations to Shops.
Monthly News.
Training on the use of THE SYSTEM to the people that THE USER indicates
Advice and / or development of:
Image of Cards, POP Material. Card Carriers. Product image.